New Venice Transport Prices From 1st July 2015

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The Venice City Council has just approved new prices for the transport system. These will go into effect on 1st July 2015.  Of note: children aged 4 to 6 now have to pay (previously they could travel free of charge).

General ticket prices:

Ticket TypePrice in Euros
75 minute water journey7.50
On-board price7.50
Single ticket group member4.00
Return ticket organised group/students8.00
Football supporter return8.00
CONI sports ticket4.50
3 Day Rolling Venice (for anyone aged 4 to 29)22.00
75 minute land bus (bus, tram or people mover)1.50
Book of 10 75 minute bus journeys14.00
Single - Airport land bus 8.00
Return - Airport land bus 15.00
Single - Airport land bus plus water journey14.00
Return to the Beach on Number 1413.00
People Mover
1 Year60.00

Below are the prices with a Carta Venezia card. Note that anyone can purchase this card at a cost of 50 Euros - it is not limited to Venetian residents - and lasts for 5 years. The different prices for the pass (abbonamento) for different areas no longer applies - there is now a standard price which includes the vaporettos, buses, trams and the people mover.

Ticket TypePrice in Euros
75 minute journey - includes vaporetto, bus,
tram and people mover.
On board price3.00
Book of 10 75 minute tickets14.00
100 minute journey2.00
Book of 10 100 minute tickets 19.00
Book of 10 traghetto* tickets10.00
1 Month37.00
1 Month students25.00
1 Year370.00
1 Year students230.00
1 Year over 75185.00
Passes for Island Residents
1 Month21.00
1 Month students 19.00
1 Month Lido 21.00
1 Month Lido students19.00
1 Year210.00
1 Year students 170.00
1 Year Lido 210.00
1 Year Lido students170.00

* A traghetto journey is a single stop, crossing from one side of a canal to the other.  This can be to cross the Grand Canal, the Giudecca Canal or even to get from the Sant'Elena end of Venice to the Lido.  This now includes the journey from Chioggia to Pellestrina.

For the full list and explanations see the ACTV website. This is a pdf in Italian detailing all the prices.
Read the original Council document (in Italian).
Read more (in Italian) on La Nuova

[Edited to change the date from 1st June 2015 to 1st July 2015.]

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